Sunday, May 13, 2012


The Christmas song played over the radio. Amidst the clamor of the bustling fastfood restaurant, he could still hear strains of the sad music.
            He sat on his usual seat by the window, watched the stream of people passing by, going about their morning affairs.  He unhappily rested his chin on the palm of his hand.  It still hurt to hear the song.  The empty seat in front of him was a constant reminder that he would forever be alone.
            Unconsciously he fiddled with the gold band hanging from a chain around his neck.  Had things been different a year ago, it would have been around her finger.  He would have wanted her to keep the ring, but her mother had thought it best that he kept it; it seemed too precious buried in the ground.
            Love lost during Christmas, the singer sang. He understood the message. 
            He drank the last dregs of the cold bitter coffee and stood up from his table.  As he left the establishment, he glanced back at his seat.  Already it was occupied by a pretty young girl.  He stopped and watched as a boy hesitatingly approached and motioned towards the empty seat in front of her.  She smiled and nodded; the boy sat down. Two heads leaned closer together, and he, outside looking in, wished them a better future.

(December 2002)

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